Re-Starting the Travel Blog

Hello friends and readers,

After getting off to a good start earlier this year, my blogging was derailed by a combination of technical difficulties combined with a busy schedule. It was a bad combination.

I’m still eager to blog about all things travel, and I’m giving this another try with a different hosting service for the site that will hopefully resolve the technical issues. The previous blog looked great until it stopped working. I’ve decided to start from scratch because I don’t want to contaminate the new site with anything that might have broken the old one. Unfortunately, this means my previous posts are gone, but I’ll try to recreate new ones on some of the same topics.

The new blog is obviously a work in progress, but please stay tuned! As a preview of what I hope will be several upcoming posts featuring national parks, here are a few of my favorite photos from Dry Tortugas National Park, a place filled with both history and beautiful views!